Section 13 of the Legal Profession Act deals with the Admission of a Legal practitioner to the Anguilla Bar.
A person seeking to be admitted to practice must satisfy the Court that he or she:
- Has attained the age of 21 years;
- Has paid to the Court the application for admission to practice fee specified in Schedule 3;
- Has not been disbarred or struck off the Roll of attorneys-at-law, barristers or solicitors of any court;
- Holds a qualifying certificate;
- Is a Belonger or is ordinarily resident in Anguilla or is a national of any of the countries listed in schedule 4;
- Is of good character.
- Applicable Fees: Schedule 3 of the LPA outlines the Applicable fees upon admission-
- Application for admission to practice (non-refundable) – US$600.00
- Enrolment Certificate – US$200.00
- Application: The Application (by Fixed Date Claim Form) together with the Affidavit in Support (including an exhibit of receipt of payment of the admission fee), and Affidavit of Identity – to be sworn by someone with over five (5) years Call, other than the person moving the call and the Draft Order.All relevant documents MUST be exhibited in the Affidavit in Support of the Application (e.g. Degree (s), Legal Education Certificate (LEC) or other relevant qualifying certificates, receipt of payment.Certified true copies of all certificates can be attached to the Application. However, the Originals are usually presented to the Court at the Hearing of the Application. The Application with ALL supporting documentation MUST be filed with the Court Registry.
- Service of Application: All documents MUST be served on the Anguilla Bar Association (address) no later than 14 days before the date fixed for the Hearing of the Application and no less than 7 days in case of an urgent Application in which said case a Certificate of Urgency is to be filed with the Anguilla Bar Association.
- The day of Admission (Hearing of Application): On the day of Admission, all parties must attend the High Court at the time stated on the Application (punctuality cannot be overstated). Formal/professional attire is required. In addition to the person moving the Call (presenting the Application), there must be some other Attorney present with at least ten (10) years call to second the Application (this can be the person who swore the Affidavit of Identity). Original documents are usually presented to the Court on the day of Admission.For the Call in open Court the usual practice is that the Applicant must have in his or her possession the robe, band, collar or collarette so they can be properly robed after the Call. This is not necessary for the hearing of the Application in Chambers. Please see proper Court Attire here.
All Lawyers who are actively Practising in Anguilla are required to have a Practising Certificate. • Upon payment of the applicable fees and application to the Registrar the Practising Certificate will be issued. The Registrar MUST be satisfied that the Lawyer has paid the requisite*:
- Annual subscription to the Association
Download and send in the Application Form to the Office of the Anguilla Association. - Annual fee for the Practising Certificate.
The Practising Certificate MUST be renewed each year and the payment for the same MUST be done on or before by 31st January each year to facilitate the publication of the Gazette with the names of Lawyers in Anguilla with a VALID Practising Certificate.
*It should be noted that the requirement for the Registrar to be satisfied that the legal practitioner has obtained professional indemnity insurance has been dispensed with until further notice*